The Science

Poor Sleep is a Common Problem

     A 2016 study indicated that at least 33% of the population, and possibly upwards of 60%, suffer from insomnia.  Certain demographics were associated with an increased prevalence of insomnia.  The study found that a higher percentage of women suffered from insomnia when compared to men.  The likelihood for insomnia also increased the higher the age of the participant.

Sleep is Vital for Overall Health

    Sleep is one of the most important functions for all aspects of health.  People who sleep poorly experience low energy, low mood, issues focusing, weight gain, increased inflammation, reduced recovery, and so much more.  One of the best things you can do for your health right now is improve the quality of your sleep.

Sleep Medications Only Mask the Issue

     If you have ever taken a prescription medication for sleep then you know that they don’t work as you would hope.  At best, prescription medications can force you into a broken state of sleep.  Many of them knock you out, but you don’t go through the proper cycles of sleep.  This leaves you waking up just as tired as you were the night before, or even worse off.

Most Sleep Supplements Address One Problem

     Many people have tried taking a melatonin supplement and realized that it doesn’t actually improve their sleep or make them feel any better.  This is because melatonin addresses only one issue: falling asleep.  Other single ingredient formulations work the same way, by addressing a single aspect of sleep while ignoring the rest.

SLP1 Improves Sleep in 6 Ways

     SLP1 improves sleep in 6 ways.  Our protocol doesn’t just knock you out or address a single issue, it addresses the complex process of sleep.  The SLP1 Protocol helps you fall asleep, stay asleep, and achieve deeper sleep.  It does this by giving your body the natural compounds it needs to support sleep.

Trouble Falling Asleep?

     One of the biggest challenges people face when it comes to sleep is falling asleep.  There are two main reasons for this.  The first reason is that people have a hard time winding down from their stressful days.  Their body’s are tense and their mind is racing.  SLP1 addresses this issue through several pathways.  Our Get to Sleep spray contains melatonin and theanine:

     Our Get to Sleep spray contains a physiologically relevant dose of melatonin.  Unlike other products on the market, we focus on absorption and utilization instead of mega-doses.  Melatonin is a neurohormone that sends a signal to the brain that it is getting dark and is time to go to sleep.  This signal is necessary for the brain to shift from a productive, daytime mode to a restorative nighttime state.

     Also included in our Get to Sleep spray is theanine.  Theanine is a rare amino acid found in green tea that has unique properties.  While it isn’t sedating, theanine increases the amount of alpha brain waves.  This is the same brain wave that is achieved through deep meditation.  Theanine also enhances GABA signaling in the brain, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter.  These effects of theanine improve sleep quality and increase restorative sleep cycles.

Feeling Stressed?

     One of the most prevalent causes of insomnia is elevated levels of stress.  SLP1 attacks stress through several important pathways.  Our Get to Sleep spray relieves stress by calming the brain through alpha wave production and enhanced GABA signaling.  Deeper Sleep capsules further reduce stress by lowering cortisol levels with theanine and Reishi mushroom.

Wake Up Sweating?

     Achieving the correct body temperature is crucial for achieving a restful night's sleep.  Our core body temperature needs to adjust depending on the cycle of sleep and stage of the night we are in.  In general, our core body temperature needs to be lower during sleep than it is in the daytime.  Glycine, an amino acid included in a clinical dose in our Stay Asleep powder, has been shown in research to lower body temperature.  

Nighttime Waking?

     One of the most common causes of nighttime waking is high stress (cortisol) levels.  We have already touched on the ingredients in SLP1 protocol that lower cortisol, but there is more to stress than just cortisol.  One of the ingredients in our Stay Asleep powder, Glycine, positively affects a receptor site known as NMDA.  This receptor has the ability to relax or stimulate the brain, depending on input.  Taking glycine relaxes the brain through the glycine binding site.

     Another reason that people wake up in the middle of the night is that they have low levels of melatonin.  While we previously covered melatonin’s role in helping us fall asleep, we haven’t discussed its effect in helping us stay asleep.  There are many problems with taking a standalone melatonin supplement.  One of these problems is that most of them have way too much melatonin in them and cause a non-physiological increase.  This heavily sedates the brain short term and then wears off in just a few hours.

     Our Stay Asleep blend includes natural precursors for melatonin that help keep levels consistent throughout the night.  The key is not to overload on melatonin, but to keep levels consistent and physiologically relevant throughout the night.  These precursors that we include also increase serotonin, another crucial neurotransmitter for restorative sleep.  Keeping serotonin and melatonin at the right levels throughout the night is a necessary science.

Easily stirred?

     There are many reasons that we are easily stirred throughout the night.  One of these reasons is when we are experiencing high levels of cortisol.  Another reason is that our mind and body are not truly relaxed enough for deep sleep.  Our Stay Sleep powder helps to relax our body and mind through many different pathways.  One of the ways it achieves this is with a highly bioavailable form of magnesium called Magnesium Glycerophosphate.  Magnesium acts as a natural muscle relaxer, helping calm the body and mind for deeper sleep.

     Our Sleep Capsules contain several ingredients that are also helpful in reducing nighttime stirring, such as Oleamide.  Oleamide is a unique fatty acid that is created naturally by the body and acts through the endocannabinoid system.  It activates a receptor found abundantly in our brains known as the CB1 receptor.  This is the same receptor that is highly activated by cannabis, specifically, THC.  Oleamide is able to activate this receptor site without making us feel “high” like we would from Cannabis.  Through this gentle action, Oleamide is able to improve sleep architecture naturally.

Mind Racing?

     Not only does a racing mind make it difficult to fall asleep, it actually makes it difficult to stay asleep as well.  An overstimulated mind disrupts our sleep cycles by activating the wrong neurotransmitters and receptor sites.  We solve this issue with a wide range of ingredients designed specifically to promote a proper neurological environment.  By increasing GABA, serotonin, melatonin, alpha brain waves, and CB1 receptor activity, SLP1 protocol is able to achieve an ideal environment in the brain for optimal sleep.